Net Neutrality
So net neutrality is a big thing right now in the US. If you don't know what it is, you haven't been paying attention.
Basically, what this means is that everyone can access the free and open Internet. We are able to see or do whatever we want on the Internet.
Let's look at the Internet for a second here. It's free. It's open. And you can find whatever you want on it.
Everything is available to everyone.
The Internet is a beautiful place.
Net neutrality means our voice can be heard, whether it's a tweet on how we dislike the current president, how Bush did 9/11, why we think the world is flat, or just someone trying to get their tech blog noticed for a school project.
The Internet is beautiful the way it is, but the FCC want to destroy that.
They want to repeal the net neutrality laws.
They want to make the Internet a more profitable place, so that ISP companies like Comcast or Verizon can charge people for faster access to some sites, accessing certain websites, or just having your voice heard on the Internet.
That sounds bad enough, but it also lets companies see what you're watching or what you're doing, and lets them control that.
Now Internet is classified under a Type II utility. This means we can be charged for using the Internet, but it wouldn't matter how we use it.
However, ISPs want to charge us for how we use the Internet.
This mainly affects the US, but it might set a bad influence on other countries. Although this may not affect Canada on what we can see on the Internet, it might hurt our chances if we want to target an audience in the US with a small business, product, or simple tech blog for a school project.
The Internet connects the whole world together. It takes two to make a connection. If one is affected, all of us are.
However, this can be changed. Internet users around the world are joining together to protest this.
John Oliver outlines how to comment how the FCC's website in one of his videos:
You can also check out the most prominent site that fights for net neutrality here:
Give Congress your opinion. Let the people on r/roastme, the YouTube commentators, and all the Internet trolls band together, and tell the FCC to go fcc themselves.
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